The Easil portal is an internal template platform utilizing the Tractor Beverage brand. This project consisted of process development, UI design, template design, presentation, and training. 
With a high volume of requests to the creative team, we needed a way to offer faster creative support. Easil was built to provide native brand assets and customizable templates. Different templates and workspaces were developed to support all teams throughout the organization.
Portal UI Design
Home Page
Home Page
Easil allows for UI customizations including site colors, homepage links, side bar links, and cover images. I focused on a UI that was intuitive and provided a lot of resources, with a bright and engaging design reflecting the template materials.
The presentation introduced the portal, its purpose, features, and templates. I focused on the brand libraries and main categories of templates. QR codes and non-public contact information are covered or blurred to protect privacy.
General Training Materials
The member training is targeted toward the majority of accounts on Easil and covers basic navigation, editor functions, brand libraries, and template mechanics. QR codes and non-public private information are covered or blurred to protect privacy.
Advanced Training Materials
The designer training is a more advanced training for accounts with design and administrative roles. This training expands on the member training to include template publication, management of brand libraries, management of accounts, troubleshooting, and key areas where issues may arise. QR codes and private contact information are covered or blurred to protect privacy.
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